I just want to make stuff that i would want to look at
— Cygnet

Cygnet Design started out of necessity, and emerged from a passion that began in the early 90s, fueled by a love for computers and a deep fascination with the possibilities of the internet. Initially sparked by the need to create logos, flyers, websites, and merchandise for bands I played with, graphic design quickly became my creative outlet. What started as experimenting with basic text editing evolved into mastering industry-standard design software through hands-on learning and perseverance. With each project, I honed my skills, learning from mistakes and refining my craft to produce designs that not only meet but exceed expectations. Learning by doing, failing, and then doing again. At Cygnet Design, our mission is simple: to create visually compelling and impactful designs that captivate and inspire. TLDR: I just wanna make stuff that I would want to look at.